Are You A Freak About Trading Stuff

Show, Tell, and Sell!
Bring Your Trades to Life And
Drop A Video In Your Ads!

Trade it, Sell it, Buy it, Collect It

Only $99 Per Year

Create one ad or unlimited ads for one low price

Traders Freak has a broad spectrum of categories for users to explore and create listings
providing a comprehensive platform for the diverse world of trading
just about anything, including collectibles.

Get Ready For Something Different!

Join for FREE and list for only $99 per year to post unlimited ads as often as you like. Post with no per listing fees, no sale fees, no percentages of your sales. You keep all the profit!

Trade it, Sell it, Buy it, Collect It!

How It Works

Buying and selling is easy with Traders Freak. Become a Freak seller in just 3 simple steps!

Create Your Account

Join for FREE! Once you create your account select the advertising package you want to purchase.

List Your Stuff

Login and place your first listing that will go live immediately. You can place unlimited classified ad listings for $99 for the entire year.

Once You Sell

Delete your listing or mark it as sold. It will no longer be live. You handle your own transactions from start to finish with your buyer.

Featured Ads

Check out some of the featured ads on Traders Freak

I Am A Buyer!

Create a free account which will allow you to store favorite products, participate in auctions, chat with the seller, review the seller and be reviewed as a buyer. It’s FREE! If you decide to sell something Traders Freak will be ready for you to become a Seller. 

I Am A Seller!

Create your account on Traders Freak and publish as many ads as you like on the site for a low annual subscription of just $99 per year. Sell as many items as you like, as often as you like, and you keep all the profit from your sale. No extra listing fees!

Tips & Helpful Info

Check out our latest articles on how to use Traders Freak